суббота, 17 декабря 2011 г.

Electratherm, Inc. Company Profile | Company Information

ElectraTherm, Inc. delivers renewable energy solutions for asustainable future, now. Each day in the United States, thousands of companies burn fossil fuelse and use heat formanufacturing processes. The U.S. Department of Energu reports that available wastde heat sources exceed the current production of allother U.S. renewable power sources combined - sevejn quadrillion BTU. ElectraTherm has pioneered technologhy to capture readily available waste heat togeneratse fuel-free, emissions-free energy.
Building on the innovative processexs that earned him the IHRA world ElectraTherm CEO Richard Langson developex and patented specialized systems that resultedc in these revolutionary clean energy After four years of research and ElectraTherm incorporated in Carson Nevadain 2005. In addition to Waste Heat ElectraTherm's Gas Pressure Reduction Generators serve the oil and gas industryt by recovering energy contained in pressurwe drops throughout the gas transmissio n anddistribution systems. These systems can also produce 25 kWto 1.5 MW of emission-free electricity.

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