вторник, 20 сентября 2011 г.

Caltrain ridership increases - San Francisco Business Times:

Caltrain officials on Thursday creditedexpanded "Baby service with making the commuter train more Baby Bullets are trains running betweebn San Francisco and San Jose that skip many stops in between, speeding trips between those cities. Average weekdayu ridership in September roseto 34,43p from 26,603 before Baby Bulle t service began in June 2004. meanwhile, is up 27.6 percenf over last year's figure. Fares increased 17.5 percent July 1, whicy had been expected to reduce A $13.6 million budget deficit for the 2006 fiscapl year that began July 1 forced Caltrain's boarde to take drastic steps for the railroad.
The boarxd voted to eliminate more than 200 stopas fromthe schedule, service to the little-usex Paul Avenue station in San Francisco was cut and weekda service was eliminated at the Broadwayg stop in Burlingame. "We had to make some difficulr andcontroversial decisions," said Caltrain board Chairman Mike "But overall the strategy whichg was used to 'reinvent' Caltrain has been vindicatex by overall ridership growth.
Clearly, passengersw want the faster travel times that Caltrainnow

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